R&D Residency with projections, performances, workshops
A non virtual performative event!
Thanks to successful Arts Council England project funding Brenda Waite and Anna Cady will be presenting a non virtual performative event at SVA in collaboration with the Stroud Film Festival.
Brenda Waite and Anna Cady will be working in the gallery to create an installation and performances which can be viewed safely, despite lockdown, through the window.
Using installation, video and interactive performance in the gallery window, Brenda and Anna bring dry humour to current preoccupations with isolation, barriers and the difficulty of sharing experience.
There will be an online screening in March of ‘Invisible’ the short film made by Brenda Waite and Anna Cady which explores - from the perspective of older women - how it feels to be unseen. This will be followed by conversation to share ideas and news about the project events.
The residency closes with 3 evening ticketed events of performances and projections which will take place in the gallery and viewed by a small socially distanced audience from the street and courtyard.
There will also be a series of cross generational workshops in the summer when Covid regulations permit.
INVISIBLE : a premiere film screening by Anna Cady and Brenda Waite
Online film screening, discussions and Q and A
Sunday 28 March 2021 at 7:30- 9:30 PM
Tickets free but booking required. Donations welcomed. Please see donation link when you book ticket.
INVISIBLE : a film screening by Anna Cady and Brenda Waite
Saturday 3rd April 8-9.30pm Monday 5th April 8-9.30pm Tuesday 6th April 8-9.30pm
Here is a great chance to see the film INVISIBLE projected up large in the gallery for 3 evenings. We are experimenting with presenting work safely during lockdwon so we invite you to join us outside the gallery and watch this beautiful poignant 7 minute film Anna Cady and Brenda Waite.
Free just turn up
INVISIBLE : a performance by Brenda Waite and projections by Anna Cady
Friday 9th April 8-8.30pm Saturday 10th April 8-8.30pm Sunday 11th April 8-8.30pm
Brenda and Anna will be sharing the work which they will be developing during the 3 week residency for this public event which will include improvised performance, projection, sound and installation.
There are limited tickets available for each event, due to social distancing. There will be 10 seats placed at 2 metre distances outside the street front and courtyard windows.
This residency is part of a series which offer space and time to artists to make and show work in the gallery and studios. Whilst the gallery is closed to the public, the residencies are viewable from the street and online. So keep an eye out on social media for updates or if you are passing the gallery.