Visual Arts South West is hosting ten online meetings for the visual arts community working across the South West region.
SVA will be hosting the Gloucestershire meeting on Tuesday 11 May, 11am-12.30pm
These meetings are intended as forums for open discussion and their key objective is to map out our colleagues and peers’ priorities for sector support across urban and rural localities in our region, considering the long-term impact of both COVID-19 and Brexit on the visual arts sector. Our region is vast and diverse, and the infrastructure and resources for maintaining visual arts practices, public programming activities, and professional networks varies between counties and local areas.
As part of a broader sector support programme, Together We Will, VASW invites visual arts communities living and working within or in the surrounding areas of Bath, Bristol, Cornwall, Dorset, Exeter, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Plymouth, Somerset and Wiltshire to attend a meeting dedicated to their local context.