Image : Graham Dunning
GRAHAM DUNNING + SASCHA BROSAMER : A duo using gramophone, turntable, guitar/synths and effects, with shellac & vinyl records of field recordings, nature and city sounds to create abstract ambient soundscapes. They also use the GrainField remote granular sampler system, which uses audience members' mobile phones to play back sound, which they can affect and interact with.
"Dunning and Brosamer get together to dig deep into the beauty of surface detail. Analogue medium analysed in microscopic detail. Detailed textural studies. Glorified decay." - Elodie A. Roy
IVY NOSTRUM : Amateur tape sludge. Low-grade noise. Entry-level concrete music.
Co-incidental music provided by Sean Roe (Klang Tone Records)
Under 25s : £6
General advance : £8
More on the door.